Published November 30, 2014 | By Shawna
Samhain-kitty here. I found writer-person’s old, intermittently-working laptop, so I can update her blog while she’s off doing whatever it is she does. Which, at the moment, involves recording an audio version of a Yuletide Ravensblood vignette. With music. And did I mention she’s doing outlining and prewrite on two new novels, while waiting for the edits to come back on the two that are coming out next year? (Any bets on whether the house is going to be cleaned in time for Yule?)
Anyway, I sneaked a peak at the manuscript for Raven’s Wing. There are no cats. Not a one. Not even the brief cameos that turned up in Ravensblood.
Worse yet there is a dog. A dog that looks like it could be the big brother of her friends’ black pit bull. The one she comes home smelling like after she’s been gone for huge blocks of time. (I’ve seen the beast on Facebook. I know she’s seeing other animals behind my back.)
OK, so the dog has a fairly brief mention, but still. . .
I may have to take some time to get over my righteous indignation before I can give an honest opinion of anything else in the book.
In the meantime, she has been updating Brother to the Wolf every weekend. For those of you who missed it, that’s the pagan-themed medieval fantasy novel she’s been putting up chapter-by-chapter on Wattpad. It’s not bad, if you can ignore the fact that there are dogs. (The arrows on the title line will let you toggle between chapters.)