Published June 17, 2017 | By Shawna
First of all, I would like to apologize to my readers who have been waiting patiently (or not-so-patiently) for the next book in one or both series. While I try my best to not let the non-writing parts of my life to interfere with the writing parts, sometimes life gets the better of me. The good news is that Raven’s Vow is off to my beta reader (best-selling author R. L. King) and, after another round of revision, will be off to the editor. The cover artist is hard at work and I’m excited to see what she comes up with. I’m hoping now for a late August/early September release.
Meanwhile, I’ve started work on the yet-unnamed second book in the Werewolves and Gaslight Mysteries. More dark happenings on the streets of Victorian London! And for those of you who didn’t read The Beast Within in the Gears and Levers 2 anthology, I released it recently as a stand-alone. This short story was the very beginning of the Werewolves and Gaslight universe. If you were curious about how Richard and Catherine got together, this story is for you! You can buy it on Amazon or, through June only, you can claim it for free from Instafreebie.
Speaking of Instafreebie, right now over a bunch of great authors have banded together to create the SFF Bonanza! Over 100 science fiction and fantasy books to choose, absolutely free (The author of the works you choose may request or require you to sign up for their newsletter.) Hopefully you can find some things you like that will keep you busy until Raven’s Vow comes out!