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Win a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate!


My website just got a complete overhaul! Fancy new look, easier navigation. Plus, I’ve added a page titled Ravensblood Miscellany where all the Raven-related bits and bobs of vignettes, photo essays, etc. that I’ve posted over the years have been gathered for your convenience. To celebrate, I’m raffling off a $25 Amazon gift certificate! (Gift certificate will be of the electronic variety that can be emailed.)

Ways to enter:

1) Post something cool to the A Conspiracy of Ravens group on Facebook. Could be a comment on something you liked about one of the books, a question for the author, a fun picture of a wolf, a raven, a link to a relevant article, or something Victorian (pretty tea settings count). 1 entry per post. (You don’t need to follow/join, but I’d appreciate it if you did. The more people who join, the more fun we can have.)

2) Write a review of one of my books on Goodreads or your blog and send me a link via IM or email. (I’m excluding Amazon reviews for this contest because of Amazon’s harsh standards regarding what they consider to be ‘paying’ for reviews, though of course I do love Amazon reviews and will ‘pay’ with undying gratitude.) 1 entry per review posting, so if you post a review to your blog and copy it on Goodreads, that’s 2 entries.

3) Post a shout-out on Facebook or Twitter about one of my books and tag me on the post. 1 entry per post, but be kind to your friends/followers and don’t spam.

4) Tell someone about my books. Make a word-of-mouth recommendation to your neighbor, friend, barista, or the person in line with you at the bookstore, and then IM or email to tell me about it. Now, obviously, I’m taking this one on faith because I trust my readers, but I’m limiting this method of entry to 1 per person to avoid temptation. (Naturally, you can combine this with any of the other entry methods.)

5) IM me and tell me something you love or hate about the new website.

Enter by 06/19/19 and good luck!$25 Amazon Gift Certificate!

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